Sunday, April 25, 2010

The suitors Angels

Oh boy, let's learn and follow in the footsteps of the suitor angel!

Learning from the Companions, such Musaf rodhiyallohu'anhu bin Umair, who left the luxuries of the world, all the convenience, as well as their parents to emigrate, and then die as martyrs with a piece of cloth does not have anything except burdah who are unable to cover her body with perfection.

Let's learn from Abu Hurairah rodhiyallohu'anhu, who have ideals, unwavering resolve and great desire, when the division ghanimah from a war he did not go ask for it, and when asked by the Prophet shollallohu'alaihi yours respectfully he replied: "O Messenger of Allah, I want you to teach me what God taught you. "

Subhanallah! Where are we? When its predecessor, the first generation of the Salaf, firm on many fronts of jihad, berdakhwah and establish the religion of Allah, most of us only able to set aside a bit of spare time left for studying syar'i. By the time they are competing to do good deeds and sacrifice pleasures of the world, we just drift with the pleasures of the world.

What makes them like a mountain that is not falter, remain strong in the face of the enemies of Islam? FAITH That's not just on oral, but at heart, in oral and born in the form of deeds. True faith, which has a nature, which has a delicious flavor.

Faith, experiencing ups and downs. Hence, we shall ask for God's help to renew our faith. And also to renew the faith are always trying to improve our deeds, that some of them are as follows:
  1. Prayer night.
  2. Keeping an oral order always wet for dhikr and praying to God. [The Parable of the dhikr and not berdizikir is like someone who lives and who dies]
  3. Reading the Qur'an and memorize it. ["Read the Qur'an because he would come on the Day of Judgement gives syafa'at for readers." (Muslim)]
  4. Berinfak
  5. Istigfar of repentance and of the sins and sinners.

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